"Public Art #41"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #41"
The Procession - Duck Pond Water Park
Installed / Removed: July 1, 2012
Arvada Center for the Arts Sculpture Garden
Arvada Center for the Arts Sculpture Garden
Arvada, CO - USA
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #41"
Duck Pond Water Park
Duck Pond Water Park
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #41"
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #41 (variation 2)"
Installed / Removed: August 12, 2012
Railroad tracks - Denver, CO
(Playing chicken with a train.)
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #41 (variation 2)"
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #42"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #42"
Installation artist: Dragica Ohashi
Installation artist: Dragica Ohashi
Installed / Removed: June 20, 2011
School Children's Procession Flag - Kiyosu, Japan
School Children's Procession Flag - Kiyosu, Japan
Photo: ©2011 Dragica Ohashi
"Public Art #42"
"Public Art #42"
(Variation 2)
Photo: ©2011 Dragica Ohashi
Japan is famous for its beautiful manhole covers. They are wonderful
examples of utilitarian and aesthetic integration. (Gary A. Bibb)
"Public Art #42"
(Variation 3)
Installation artist: Dragica Ohashi
(Variation 3)
Installation artist: Dragica Ohashi
Installed / Removed: June 27, 2011
Manhole Cover - Kiyosu City, Japan
Manhole Cover - Kiyosu City, Japan
Photo: ©2011 Dragica Ohashi
Japan is famous for its beautiful manhole covers. They are wonderful
examples of utilitarian and aesthetic integration. (Gary A. Bibb)
"Public Art #42"
(Variation 3)
(Variation 3)
Photo: ©2011 Dragica Ohashi
"Public Art #43"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #43"
Installation artist: Betty Esperanza
Installation artist: Betty Esperanza
Installed: July 4, 2011
Imperial Lion - Chinatown - Montreal, Canada
Imperial Lion - Chinatown - Montreal, Canada
Photo: ©2011 Betty Esperanza
"Public Art #43"
Photo: ©2011 Betty EsperanzaInstallation
"Public Art #43"
Photo: ©2011 Betty EsperanzaInstallation
Imperial Guardian Lion
the female representing yin and the male yang. The lions are believed to have powerful
mythic protective benefits and the male usually has one paw on a globe of the world or
a ball which is sometimes carved with a geometric pattern known as the Flower of Life.
"Public Art #44"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #45"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #45"
Installation artist: Kathleen McHugh
Installed / Removed: June 18, 2011Installation artist: Kathleen McHugh
Governor's Office - Olympia, WA - USA
Photo: ©2011 Kathleen McHughThese works were temporarily installed at sites of memorable political controversy
over public art. The Senate Chambers and Governor's door function as a symbolic
equivalent of Luther's historical action of tacking 95 theses on church doors demanding reformation: The installation on government doors as a thesis on reformation
in the public art process. (Kathleen McHugh)
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Bureaucrats (both public and private) cloister behind closed doors while making
decisions about art. Unfortunately, political factions are a reality of culture and those
in powerful positions (governmental, academic, curatorial or commercial) determine whether an artist is worthy of selection and support. Kathleen McHugh's installations (#45 and #96) evoke concerns about the selection process utilized by bureaucratic
art committees and is a commentary on their effectiveness at fulfilling the role of
cultural stewards. (Gary A. Bibb)
"Public Art #45"
(Variation 2)
Installation artist: Kathleen McHugh
Installed / Removed: June 18, 2011(Variation 2)
Installation artist: Kathleen McHugh
State Senate Chamber - Olympia, WA - USA
Photo: ©2011 Kathleen McHugh
"Public Art #45"
(Variation 3)
Installation artist: Kathleen McHugh
Installed / Removed: June 18, 2011(Variation 3)
Installation artist: Kathleen McHugh
State Legislative Building Rotunda - Olympia, WA - USA
Photo: ©2011 Kathleen McHugh(Back of Felix de Weldon's sculpture:
"Mother Joseph, A Sister of Providence")
"Public Art #45"
State Legislative Building - Olympia, WA - USA
Photo: ©2011 Kathleen McHughState Legislative Building - Olympia, WA - USA
"Public Art #46"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #46"
Installation artist: Mara Thompson
Installed: June 22, 2011Installation artist: Mara Thompson
Trader Joe's (Market) - Santa Monica, CA - USA
Photo: ©2011 Mara Thompson
"Public Art #47"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #47"
Installation artist: Michael Clowers
Installed / Removed: June 26 - 28, 2011Installation artist: Michael Clowers
Novi Public Library - Novi, MI - USA
Photo: ©2011 Michael Clowers
"Public Art #47"
Photo: ©2011 Michael Clowers
"Public Art #48"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #49"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #49"
Installed / Removed: June 1, 2011
Heart of America Wind Farm
Ellsworth County, KS - USA
©2011 Gary A. Bibb
"Public Art #49"
©2011 Gary A. Bibb
(During the exhibition: POLAROIDS
"Public Art #53"
"Public Art #53"
"Public Art #55"
Installation artist: Imma Sicurezza
Installed / Removed: July 27, 2011
Cross Street, Historic Centre of San Nicola Arcella
"Public Art #50"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #50"
Installation artist: LuAnn Palazzo
Installed: August 10, 2011Installation artist: LuAnn Palazzo
Bayside Dock - Bay Shore, NY - USA
Photo: ©2011 LuAnn Palazzo
"Public Art #50"
Photo: ©2011 LuAnn Palazzo
"Public Art #50"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #51"
Installation artist: Eva Brunner
Installed / Removed: July 24, 2011Installation artist: Eva Brunner
exp12 (Exposure Twelve Gallery) - Berlin, Germany
Photo: ©2011 Eva Brunner
"Public Art #51"
Photo: ©2011 Eva Brunner(During the exhibition: POLAROIDS
by renown photographer Arno Fischer)
"Public Art #51"
Photo: ©2011 Eva Brunner
"Public Art #52(a)"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #52(a)"
Duck Pond Water Park
Duck Pond Water Park
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #52(a)"
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #53"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #53"
Installation Artist: Bibiana Padilla Maltos
Installed: April 2012
State Cultural Institute - Mexicali, México
Photo: ©2012 Bibiana Padilla Maltos
"Public Art #53"
Photo: ©2012 Bibiana Padilla Maltos
"Public Art #54"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #55"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #55"
Installation artist: Imma Sicurezza
Installed / Removed: July 27, 2011
Cross Street, Historic Centre of San Nicola Arcella
"Public Art #56"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #56"
Duck Pond Water Park
Duck Pond Water Park
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #56"
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #57"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #57"
Installed / Removed: June 4, 2011
Grand Hall Floor Installation
Wichita Art Museum
Wichita Art Museum
Wichita, KS - USA
©2011 Gary A. Bibb
"Public Art #57"
©2011 Gary A. Bibb
(In the reflection of Dale Chihuly's sculpture -"Confetti")
"Public Art #58"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2011 GAB
"Public Art #58"
Duck Pond Water Park
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #58"
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #59(a)"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #59(a)"
Duck Pond Water Park
Duck Pond Water Park
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #59(a)"
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #60(a)"
inkjet printed sticker w/ collage
2" x 4"
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #60(a)"
Duck Pond Water Park
Duck Pond Water Park
©2012 GAB
"Public Art #60(a)"
©2012 GAB